3 Reasons Why We Need a Portable Monitor

3 Reasons Why We Need a Portable Monitor

Why we need a portable screen? 

Many people are using laptops, tablets or even mobile devices for their daily work. They are smaller than a desktop computer and the most important is that we can bring it everywhere. Usually, people will choose a laptops with 13-inch screen because it is lighter but it still quite heavy for carrying out. Although some people are using 11-inch tablets, the screen maybe too small when you need to use it for whole day. It is harmful to our eyes if we continuously to read small words for a long time. That's why we need a extra screen to protect our eyes.

Reason 1 - Work and Entertain Everywhere

You can bring your laptops everywhere for work. How about you need to present your project to your clients outside the office? The laptops screen is too small for showing your ideas. Then, may think of having a bigger screen size. However, a bigger screen size may result as a heavier laptops. It may be benefit when your are working at the office or home. But when you need to work outside or bring your laptops for travel, the weight of the laptops will be a problem. So, a light and portable monitor will be your choice.

Most of the latest portable monitors are light and slim. Such as Lexuma' s portable screen - XScreen. A 15.6" large touch screen with 9mm thick and about 0.7 kg weight. Just portable as an iPad. Bring a laptops and a portable screen is still convenient. You can present your ideas anytime anywhere. 

Bring two devices out is still inconvenient? You can just use your mobile phone or tablets for presentation. Just connect your mobile phone or tablet, then you can simply use them to present your idea! Laptops is no longer required! 

GadgetiCloud Lexuma XScreen Portable Monitor Ultra Slim HD 1080P USB Powered slim iPad like

If I am a student, there's not reason for me to have a portable monitor, right? Of course NOT! The portable monitor is not just for business use but also for entertainment. The portable monitor not only connect to your smartphones and laptops, but also Switch, PS4 and TV BOX etc. Therefore, you can play Overcooked with your friends on Switch with a bigger screen. Also, it is a potable monitor for PS4. People love gaming should not miss this portable monitor! 

Want to have enjoy movies when travel on trains or airplane? Mobile phone is not big enough for movies? Then, you should need a portable screen for your travel. Not limited to yourself but you can share movies or TV dramas with your friends and family. Why don't you get one now? 

<Check out more here for *XScreen>

GadgetiCloud Portable Monitor Ultra Slim HD 1080P USB Powered game gadget

Reason 2 - Easy to set up

The traditional external monitors needs a individual power supply. If there are no power plugs, we cannot use the external monitor. Also, when we connect the external monitor with our laptops, we only can do this with a HDMI cable. It is not that easy to find a HDMI cable when you need it. How about the portable monitor?

GadgetiCloud Lexuma XScreen Portable Monitor Ultra Slim HD 1080P USB Powered HDMI connection Type-C cable

For the new potable screen, we just simply connect it with laptops, the portable monitor can power on. Since the portable monitor will generate power from the connected devices, you don't need to find an extra power supply for it. No worries on the power supply issue and turn on the portable screen anytime you need. If you find that your devices is running out of battery, the portable monitor can also generate power supply from power bank.

There are no extra settings required for connecting with the laptops. Just use a Type-c universal cable or a HDMI cable to connect it with your laptops and the screen. Then, you can extend your screen whenever you need. Since the portable screen is not limited to using HDMI cable, connection is more convenient. Just like XScreen which can get power supply from the devices it connected. Only one cable can connect both the power supply and device.

Interested in getting a portable screen? Click *here for more detail.

Reason 3 - Work Effectively

Have you ever experienced on changing different browser frequently when you're using laptops? It is not that convenient when we need to check across two documents. If we show two documents at the same time, the words will be so small because of the 13" laptops. Then, getting a extra screen is needed.

The portable monitors helps you to work effectively with two or more apps open in the same time. Whether you are checking stocks, having video conference with your clients, or streaming YouTube videos, your apps will always in your sight.

GadgetiCloud Lexuma XScreen Portable Monitor Ultra Slim HD 1080P USB Powered portable screen


Above are the reasons why you need a portable screen not only for work but also good for entertainment. You are working will a laptops? Why don't you try the portable screen now and enhance your work efficiency? 

GadgetiCloud Lexuma XScreen Portable Monitor Ultra Slim HD 1080P USB Powered display

 Get one NOW!! **Click Here for more details.

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